Gone with the Wind (1939) - IMDb

After Motion Pictures

The era of the motion picture marked the a turning point of media as it was no longer held back by the reigns of reality unlike its predecessors which were , motion pictures existed in its own reality an what a reality it is full of cliches , unmemorable characters and reboots! but before taht media was actually good!

The first wave of media to hit the screen was silent films as back then camera's that were used to record didn't pick up sound thus that is why the film is encased in a soundtrack to make it more entertaining this was it up until 1929 and after that film had sound! The most famous silent film actor is Charlie Chaplin and is well-known today though not as famous as actors nowadays. Charlie Chaplin was a star in comedy films and moved the film industry in a multitude of ways! Charlie Chaplin also did star in alot of films with sound such as "The Dictator" 1940.

The second wave of films is now the traditional black and white with the occasional  mix of color films!  (woah!) and this marks the golden age of film (1929 -- 1964). During this time the highest grossing film was born , a colored film called "Gone with the wind" 1939 which grossed 3.5 billion dollars! It was a staple of a film having color in 1939 and running for about 4 hours! 

Of course films in the decade of the 50's were just on another level actors such as Cary Grant , James Dean , Spencer Tracy , John Wayne and others . Directors such as Steve Kramer carried the film industry into a age of gold!

Rebel Without a Cause - WikipediaJudgment at Nuremberg - WikipediaThe Defiant Ones (1958)


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